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Table 1 Sources of IIU and how they are dealt with in the heuristic

From: Stochastic hierarchical multiobjective routing model in MPLS networks with two service classes: an experimental study on imprecision and uncertainty issues

Sources of IIU


Dealing with IIU

High complexity of the routing problem

Inaccuracy (the

Different mechanisms of the heuristic


solutions are

resolution in its present version (HMOR-S2 PAS)






Simplifications and approximations


The focus is on the relative value of the results

assumed in the stochastic model for


of the traffic model; small differences between o.f.

the traffic in the links, leading to an


values can be disregarded when comparing solutions

approximate model, unavoidable for


(this is a achieved by using adequate numerical traffic

computational tractability reasons


calculation procedures); scenario evaluation with


different traffic matrices

Instability phenomenon potentially


Criterion for choosing candidate paths for possible

arising in the path selection procedure

and uncertainty

routing improvement, embedded in the main

if the MMRA-S2 is applied successively to


heuristic ‘optimization’ cycle

all the end-to-end flows of each


service type


Numerical errors in the calculations of


‘Robust’ and well-tested numerical algorithms

marginal implied costs and blocking


(namely the Kaufman/Roberts algorithm and

probabilities of all the flows, propagating


fixed-point iterators)

throughout the resolution procedure


Stochastic nature of the traffic offered


Periodical update of traffic flows means via a

to the network


statistical estimate (first-order moving average)


based on real-time measurements; sensitivity/


robustness analysis; scenarios evaluation.

Uncertainties in the identification

Specific form

Definition of dynamic preference thresholds

of the ‘virtual decision maker’ in a

of internal

in the o.f. space, combined with the use

fully automated decision application


of reference points
